Baby Shower, Seven Mothly Event

Thursday, August 6, 2015

Baby Shower, Seven Mothly Event

Home town country

Seven monthly events is a long tradition inherent in our culture. At the time of entering the seventh month of pregnancy, was then performed traditional rituals whose purpose is to smooth the mother's birth and babies born survived.
I personally do not know very well what to do in the event of seven monthly. The most memorable is to divide the salad. We have to make fake money from tile to buy salad of women who are holding of seven monthly events.

Now most people are not carrying out the tradition of seven monthly again. As moslems has replaced this event with a four-monthly event. This is done by reference in any religion that at the age of four months of pregnancy  God breathes life into the baby's body. The event has become more religious. Holy verses of the Koran are chanted to pray for goodness and safety for the baby and the mother.

Moved to US

After moving to America, I also discovered a kind of seven monthly tradition performed to mothers who are expecting the birth of  a baby. This event is called baby shower. Initially I was puzzled by the intent of this event. 'Shower' it means a bath, shower a baby? I thought at that time. Turned out the meaning of  baby shower is a kind of a small party for mothers and babies in the womb and each of her guests come bearing gifts. So, as if the mother and baby 'bathed' gifts are given by the guests.

The tradition of the baby shower was started in the 18th century in Germany. At that time, the baby shower is only done to welcome their first child. This event was originally only in the form of a tea party, which was attended by women only. The women who already have children will give you a kind of discourse for expectant mothers. But over time, the baby shower is now made to welcome each of their children and men could be her guests.

In contrast, to the events of seven monthly or quarterly, held by the family in Indonesia, a baby shower was held precisely by friends of the prospective mother. If the prospective mother or the families who hold this event, it would be considered inappropriate because it felt like expecting gifts. Event venue took place also can be anywhere, depending on the organizer. The event can be held at home, in a restaurant, or if weather permitting can be done in the garden. The event usually starts with chatting and eating snacks. After that, the host will start the game.

At the baby shower event, I have ever attended, the game does play guess the name of the goods. The host showed a bunch of stuff baby needs and we were asked to write their names. Guess who managed the answer with complete will be rewarded. Guests who attended the event at that time came from different countries. Some are from Brazil, France, Arab, and America itself. So that ultimately, each person was asked to name the items in the respective language. The main event is open the gifts. The mothers will be asked to sit near the gift collection and opened one by one. Contrast to our tradition where gifts will be opened in the home. In the end, the expectant mother will return home with various prizes.

This is the reason mothers in the United States are usually not going to shop before the baby shower implemented. Expectant mothers worry about spending money on stuff that turns out later she will get also from cool baby shower ideas.

I personally do not have any events, quarterly or even seven monthly during pregnancy. However, after the child was born, my friends came to bring any form of gifts for the child that is born. There is even a friend from another state who deliberately sends gifts and also come directly to us in the state of Iowa. Events and traditions may not have time fulfilled. But the point remains true, namely love and concern of small families who just complete happiness with the presence of the baby.